HOW-TO • Advertiser
Provide your Target Market
We match your target market with the target audience of entertainment creators. Location and demographics. It’s easy: two main points:
- Location (which countries or regions)
- Demographics (age, gender, etc)
How to add your audience
It’s easy to add your audience to your showcase page on HOLLYFY.
- Go to your Showcase Page > Audience
- Tap the ‘Add Audience‘ button
- Follow the steps
- Save
HOW-TO • Advertiser
Creating a Showcase Page
Your brand is represented by a Showcase Page. Basic information like Brand Name, short description, official links, type of brand, images, and listings.
HOW-TO • General
Add or Edit Photos
Learn how to upload a few high resolution photos to attract collaborators.
HOW-TO • Advertiser
Add Listings as an Advertiser
Listings represent the types of entertainment creators you most want to collaborate with on projects.
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Advertising Services
Advertising services: Hands-on professionals scale your digital marketing, traditional ad campaigns, design, web development and more.
Our Plans
Optimal membership plans for influencers, content creators (musicians, movies, TV shows, video games), and brand advertisers.